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Harbour Charts |
Last updated

Harbour Chart

The harbour chart series comprises a total of 45 hardcopy charts, covering harbours along the Norwegian coast.

The scale and content in the nautical charts is adapted to different shipping and user needs. 


The harbour chart series comprises 45 charts. The scale varies from 1:5 000 to 1:25 000.

Area of use

This series comprises charts on large scales of harbours and entrances along the Norwegian coast.

After purchase, it is the responsibility of the user, to keep the chart updated using the Norwegian Notices to Mariners (Efs).

Changes of significant navigational importance are published consecutively in the Efs every 14 days, which is available free of charge at

Print on Demand Charts

The Norwegian Mapping Authority's nautical charts are available as Print on Demand charts (POD). POD charts refer to updated charts printed by retailers on request from the public.

Through the Print on Demand service, charts are updated with all safety critical updates up to and including the most recent Notices to Mariners (Efs).

To buy the official Norwegian nautical charts, contact our POD distributors in Norway and abroad.

A POD chart will be in accordance with the requirements of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO)/SOLAS. All Norwegian nautical charts are available as POD charts only.
