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Satellite and positioning data

The Norwegian Mapping Authority provides real-time satellite data that can be used to create positioning services. We also have background maps and analysis-ready data sets covering Norway based on data from the Sentinel-2 satellite.

The Norwegian Mapping Authority has over 280 geodetic stations spread across the entire country that receive and forward satellite observations. This enables us to correct and determine their precise position, thus achieving centimetre-level accuracy. We use basic data from the stations in our own positioning services CPOS and DPOS, as well as providing this data to others who wish to use them in their own positioning services. Please note that this data must be purchased.

Areas of use/application

Basic data from the Norwegian Mapping Authority’s geodetic stations can be used to create positioning services. A positioning service can be used for mapping and surveying property boundaries, recording and retrieval, in construction machinery, in the mining industry, in agricultural and forestry machinery for fertilising/sowing, in e-works and for nautical mapping.

Product properties

Satellite observations from all geodetic stations are collected in real time, processed at the Mapping Authority's control centre and distributed onward to external users who can use them to create their own positioning services. This basic data includes distance measurements to the satellites, information about the signal quality and so on. There is also access to information about the base stations themselves, which is often needed to create separate services.


Basic data from the geodetic stations is provided in standardised, receiver-independent RTCM 3.2 MSM5 format in datum EUREF89/ellipsoidal heights.

The necessary additional information about the stations (e.g. approximate position, accurate coordinates and type of equipment) is provided by both the NTRIP list of sources and downloadable information that is made available according to agreement with those purchasing data. 

Find data How to access satellite data

For information and to order basic data for positioning services, please contact the Norwegian Mapping Authority’s customer centre on +47 32 11 80 00 or send an e-mail to

Satellite data based on Sentinel 2 satellite data - RBG background maps, ready-to-analyse datasets and WMS services - can be found at

More satellite data can be found at

User stories Property surveying and self-driving vehicles

Blinken, Trimble, Sapcorda and Leica Geosystems buy basic data from the Norwegian Mapping Authority's geodetic stations and use it in their own positioning services, tailor-made for property surveys and contractors, among other things. Several of the companies are also targeting the increasing market for self-driving vehicles. Sapcorda is developing the world’s first “GNSS Multi-Augmentation Service”, a system for safety-critical navigation properties in autonomous vehicles and machines.

Maps and data from Sentinel 2

The Norwegian Mapping Authority also offers - for free - six background maps composed of cloudless mosaics of satellite data from the Sentinel-2 satellite, and analysis-ready data sets from one of the mosaics. 

We are currently using one of the mosaics as a background map in Norway in pictures to show Norway as a homogeneous and seamless map layer. Background maps are regularly updated and are well suited for monitoring changes in the terrain. In a larger scale they are suitable as a basis for map maintenance, analysis and as reference information in the geographical information system (GIS).

The maps have been pre-stretched to provide a smooth transition between the grids. They are delivered as GeoTIFF and Shape. There is also a WMS service for the various background maps.

The analysis-ready data set consists of atmosphere-corrected data and it also includes vector data that includes photo date. The data can be used for many different purposes, where one wishes to use raster data calculations of the various spectral bands Sentinel 2 offers.
